Assault rifles are one of the most popular categories of main slot weapons, combining long-range, high ammo capacity, and impressive damage. These jack-of-all-trades weapons are useful in virtually any engagement and are a reliable choice on virtually any map in the game.
Much more popular than other weapons and offering more flexibility than sniper rifles, assault rifles are the bread and butter of virtually every CS 2 match. Here’s everything that you need to know about these awesome weapons!
Also, if you ever want to add some weapon skins for your assault rifles, make sure to visit Skinsmonkey, where you can always trade CS2 skins for the best prices available!
What Assault Rifles Are In CS 2?
At the moment there are the following Assault Rifles available in CS2, together with their respective prices:
Counter-Terrorist Assault Rifles:
- M4A4 – $3100
- M4A1-S – $2900
- AUG – $3300
- FAMAS – $2250
Terrorist Assault Rifles
- Galil AR – $1800
- AK-47 – $2500
- SG 553 – $3000
As you can see, gamers interested in getting an assault rifle for the round have a large selection of weapons to choose from. Each team has their share of unique rifles to select each round. To know how to use assault rifles in CS2 effectively, it’s crucial to understand how each gun differs from another.
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Galil AR
This Terrorist-side unique machine gun is a perfect choice for eco rounds, and can be purchased early on, giving you an unexpected edge of an assault rifle in early rounds. Costing only $1800, you get a formidable weapon for such a low price. While it lacks the low recoil and more accurate shooting of the CT-side Famas, it boasts an imprasive rate of fire, as well as high ammo capacity, making it one of the best weapons you can get early game for close quarter combat. If you’re playing on the Terrorist team, definitely consider this weapon over cheap machine guns in eco rounds. It’s the cheapest assault rifle in the game, that also packs quite a punch.
Check out our top list of the best Galil skins in CS2!
Slightly weaker than other rifles, but offering high accuracy with moderate recoil, FAMAS is a weapon sometimes purchased by the CT team players who need something more accurate than their CS2 SMGs. FAMAS is one of the two weapons in the game that has a burst mode, allowing its user to fire three shots with a very high rate of fire. Sadly, for all it’s worth FAMAS lacks damage and armor penetration, making it difficult to compete with SMGs for a spot of early game weapon. Combined with a rather high price tag, you’re better off purchasing a PP-Bizon instead of FAMAS during eco rounds.
Make sure to check out our list of the best Famas skins in the game!
One of the assault rifles with a scope, AUG offsets its lack of damage with long-range capabilities and an impressive rate of fire. The usable scope allows for taking shots at a distance and makes AUG a great weapon to defend bomb sites all over the map. It also has good accuracy in close-range combat, allowing you to quickly shift to fighting enemies up close if they decide to bring the fight to you. AUG has an impressive magazine size and lower recoil than many other weapons in this category, making it a great choice if you have the money to spare on its hefty price tag.
Also, check out our top list of some of the best AUG skins in CS 2!
SG 553
The only assault rifle with a scope available to the Terrorist team, the SG 553 actually has the highest armor penetration of all assault rifles in the game. With 100% armor penetration it’s actually one of the highest in the game, making SG 553 one of the most powerful tools for fighting off teams of armored enemies. Although it has a relatively high recoil unscoped, it can still be used in both modes. Still, it shines the most when used scoped, as its impressive fire rate can make it easy to mow down entire waves of enemies before they reach your bombsite. One of the best assault rifles in the game for long-range engagements, definitely consider purchasing SG 553 when playing on large open maps.
What is the to say about the most popular weapon in CS2? There’s a good reason why the AK-47 is favored by pros and newbies alike. It’s possibly the most versatile weapon in the game, that also greatly rewards the skill of every individual user. Those who have mastered the relatively difficult spray pattern of the AK-47 are able to fire single shots with excellent accuracy, scoring headshots with sniper rifle precision, while also being able to fight effectively in close-range combat. If you’d like to use the most popular rifle in the Counter Strike series to its full advantage, make sure you first practice how to aim in CS2 a lot to get better accuracy. Once you master this weapon, you can pretty much never go wrong when buying it. The AK-47 is powerful and effective virtually on every map.
Also, check out our list of the best AK-47 skins in the game!
The M4A4 is the CT answer to the AK-47. While it definitely lacks the stable accuracy of AK-47, it can also be used effectively both in long-range engagements and close-quarter combat. It has higher damage compared to other weapons in this category, however, it’s more difficult to aim, and the spray pattern often causes the shots to scatter all around the screen. The trade-off is its impressive ammo capacity, with 30 rounds in each magazine, making it one of the best guns to spray up close. Gamers who have mastered this gun are easily able to take out their enemies with one shot to the head from any distance.
Check out our list of the best M4A4 skins, if this sounds like a gun for you!
The M4A1-S is the smaller brother of the popular M4A4. While it has slightly less firepower and smaller ammo capacity, it comes with a silencer, and offers more accuracy. Combined with a very low recoil, M4A1-S is a powerful tool for fighting at long range, however, it can also be used effectively up-close, however, its small ammo capacity makes it a risky move. The silencer can be detached from the weapon at any moment, which slightly increases the spread, changing the weapon’s spray pattern. Still, if you think about fighting in close quarters, definitely consider M4A4 over M4A1-S. Check out our guide on how to decide whether to choose M4A4 or M4A1.
Also, make sure you check out our top list of the best M4A1-S skins as well!
In Conclusion
Assault rifles are the most popular weapon category in the game. If you’re serious about playing CS2, you should definitely master these guns to be a more effective player and improve your CS2 rank!
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A true gaming enthusiast, especially Counter-Strike: Global Offensive and Rust. At SkinsMonkey, he is involved in creating game guides based on his own experience.