Most players are right-handed in Counter-Strike: Global Offensive. As a result, the default setting for weapon location in shooting games is often on the right.
If you are a left-handed CS2 player or prefer a different location for your weapon, you might need to utilize the CS2 left hand command. The default right handed viewmodel can be changed to left-handed, allowing you to switch hands as simply as pressing a button on the console.
Let’s see if you can do it on your own, shall we?
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How Do I Enable the Left Hand in CS 2?
In CS2, it takes next to no time at all to switch hands. You can freely juggle your hands by stroking a few keys and some mouse clicks.
- First, you need to authorize the developer console.
To do that, go to the game’s options and tick the box next to “Enable Developer Console.” This will let you use the CS2 console commands to modify your game. To open the console, you must hit the “~” key on your keyboard.
- Second, type in the console command “cl_righthand 0.”
Only if you want the CS2 ViewModel to be shown on the left hand. Otherwise, use “cl_righthand 1” as the command line parameter.
- Third, Press Enter to get started.
Through the CS 2 console, you may exchange your player’s hands and make things more interesting by assigning a key bind to switch between two hands.
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What is the Command to Switch Hands in CS 2?
You may get an advantage in fighting by assigning a key to switching hands between your two hands. The bind, for example, might free up space that your weapon ViewModel is occupying on your screen. Here’s how you can alternate the left-hand CS2 command.
Open the terminal and type bind # “toggle cl_righthand 0 1,” where “#” denotes the desired key.
You may alter your weapon’s grip from left to right by pressing the key you selected (in this example, ‘v’) while in a match.
Swapping Strafing Between the Left and Right Hand in CS2
If you want to strafe to the left or right, you may bind those two keys to each, including a command to modify the value of cl righthand, which is the default for strafing. This allows you to switch between left and right hands seamlessly. That’s precisely how it will look: bind a-key “+move left; cl righthand 1”; bind d-key “+move right; cl righthand 0”;
As you strafe left, the gun moves to the right, allowing you to see the left side of the screen better when peeking. Your gun will be held in your left hand when you strafe right to clear your right-hand vision.
Consider giving it a try and see if the continual switchovers don’t bother you as much as you expected. When playing on a lower-resolution screen, having the region shown in this manner might be advantageous.
How do You Bind the Side Mouse Buttons for Leftie in CS2?
The benefit of key bindings is that you can assign even the most basic functions to one key by adjusting your game settings.
The mouse’s left “board” has two buttons. Thanks to them it is possible switch between different weapons quickly, or they can be connected to a CS2 grenade bind.
However, you need to know the name of the action you want to bind in the second scenario. The “Mouse 3” and “Mouse 4” buttons on a mouse are often referred to as such. Instead of writing bind, the button name and action need to be typed in quotes after binding.
- Bind MOUSE3 “slot1”
- Bind MOUSE4 “slot2”
With the first or second mouse button, you may easily swap between the two weapons in CS2 by simply pressing them. As a result, we’d like to offer you some advice: bind one of the buttons with the flash grenade and the other with a HE. You can swiftly select these grenades amid enemy advances and unleash fantastic instant shots with them.
Optimizing Gameplay for Left-Handed Players
Optimizing gameplay settings is crucial for left-handed players to improve their performance and comfort in Counter-Strike 2. Here are some tips to help left-handed players optimize their gameplay settings:
- Adjust Key Bindings: Reassigning key bindings to keys that are easily reachable by your dominant hand can make a significant difference. This adjustment can enhance your aiming precision and overall control comfort. For instance, you might want to switch the default movement keys to better suit your left-handed view.
- Fine-Tune Sensitivity: Sensitivity settings are vital for precise aiming. Experiment with different sensitivity levels to find the perfect balance that suits your playstyle. A well-tuned sensitivity setting can be a game changer, allowing you to react swiftly and accurately in intense situations.
- HUD Customization: Customizing your CS2 HUD (Heads-Up Display) can position critical elements within your natural field of view. This adjustment ensures that important information, such as health and ammo, is easily accessible without diverting your attention from the action.
- Peripheral Selection: Choosing the right peripherals can greatly enhance your gaming experience. Look for mice and keyboards designed specifically for left-handed players. If such peripherals are not available, consider adjusting your existing setup to better fit your needs.
- Training: Consistent practice is key to improving your skills. Utilize training maps and custom scenarios to develop muscle memory and refine your gameplay. Regular training sessions can help you adapt to the left-handed view and improve your overall performance in Counter-Strike 2.
By optimizing your gameplay settings, you can significantly enhance your performance and comfort in Counter-Strike 2. Remember, the key is to experiment with different settings to find what works best for you. Happy gaming!
Why Do Pro CS2 Left Handed Players Play in Left Hand Orientation?
The response depends on which eye they have a preference for. Essentially, these players have honed their skills to the point where they know how to take advantage of any advantage they can find to remain at the top of their game, including using a left hand view for better comfort and aiming accuracy.
Some CS2 pro players’ dominant eye may be on the right rather than the left, and thus they won’t all play on the left. Check out these free tests online to determine which eye you are more dominant. In this case, choose the direction following your vision. Although you will not become an expert overnight, you will have a leg up on your competition if you do this. Improved game reading and danger detection are two of your newfound abilities.
Read Also: How to Use a CS2 Clear Decals Command?
Changing hands in CS2 is fundamental, especially with the recent addition of a left handed viewmodel. On the other hand, it demonstrates the power of adequately assigned key bindings. We may accomplish several results with only one parameter. We have gone over how to adjust your cl_righthand value; so that you may use the left hand or switch between the two in this post. Also, make sure to check out our giveaways for free CS2 skins!

A true gaming enthusiast, especially Counter-Strike: Global Offensive and Rust. At SkinsMonkey, he is involved in creating game guides based on his own experience.