Without a doubt, skill is one of the most important factors in CS:GO. While teamwork plays a quintessential role in the game, your individual aiming skills can make or break the game, and if you ever need to clutch a round in a ranked match, you’ll probably wish you’d have dedicated more time to aim practice.
That is why in order to develop good reaction time and muscle memory necessary to compete with the best, you need to try your hand at CS:GO aim training maps. Here are some of the best aim training maps currently available in the Steam workshop, which you can us to try out different training routines and play like a pro!
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What Are CS:GO Aim Training Maps?
In short, an aim training map is a great solution for any player, who plans to reach Global Elite in their ranked matches. An aim training map is an easy tool that any player can use to train aim with different weapons, without other players interfering and start building muscle memory necessary for quick reactions, which are the key to winning a competitive match at high ranks in Counter Strike: Global Offensive.
Aim training maps are a great way to get some dedicated practice under your belt, and unlike deathmatch training, allow you to safely practice any weapon you need, at different positions and ranges. A custom map dedicated to aim training is a great way to improve your gameplay and start climbing ranks. If you need to get out of Silver, you need to play like a Global Elite, and that means training your skills and accuracy. Most players don’t spend their time in-game practicing aim training, so putting some time in practice can easily translate to improved skill in real matches!
Best Maps For CSGO Aim Training
As you can see, aim training can go a long way in competitive CS:GO. If you want to start training yourself, here are some of the best maps you can currently find in the workshop tab:
Crashz’s Crosshair Generator v3
Although not necessarily an aim training map, Crashz’s Crosshair Generator is a must-have for any player, who’s looking to make it big in higher ranks in CS:GO. Players often copy the game settings of CS:GO pros to get the same optimized experience. Although not your standard aim trainer, Crashz’s custom map offers a selection of all the crosshair settings by pro players from the best CS:GO teams, making it easy for you to copy their crosshair for improved gameplay. Although not directly skill-related, Crashz’s map allows you to change your crosshair settings to something more effective, which will make it easier for you to aim, and in turn improve your overall CSGO aiming, while making it easier for you to score headshots, even at high rank deathmatches.
DC’s Aim and Movement Training Map
One of the real challenges of aiming in CS:GO is being able to take quick shots while moving. In ranked matches at higher levels, you won’t really get a chance to take shots while static, unless you’re using an AWP or another kind of sniper rifle. Most likely you will have to shoot at dynamic targets, where you won’t have a chance to make micro-adjustments to your aim. Because of this, if you want to have any chances, especially at spots that are situated in tight corridors on the map, you will need to practice a little bit more dynamic shooting. Thankfully, DC’s map is a perfect choice to warm up your muscle memory for shooting mobile targets. Created specifically to help you train shooting when it’s hard to control the spray pattern of your gun, the map allows you to practice different scenarios, where you might be caught red-handed by the enemy team. DC’s Aim and Movement Training Map is an essential tool for making progress in competitive matches.
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KataS’ trainig_aim_csgo2
Before you practice dynamic shooting, it’s essential to first get the basics under your belt. Even if you’re a Global Elite player, there’s always room for improvement, and KataS’ trainig_aim_csgo2 is the best map, if you need to train standard shooting. The map is as straightforward as it gets, offering players a simple shooting range, where they can practice taking different shots at static targets. Katas’ map offers a great solution if you want to practice shooting with different guns, since you can switch the weapons at any time to try out something different than usual. You probably won’t be able to buy your favorite guns every round, and being able to practice with alternatives is a great opportunity to get used to something different. Besides, the map also counts all of your shots and makes for an entertaining experience by itself. If you want to do some CSGO aim training, and still have some fun to boot, this map is the perfect selection for you.
ULLeticaL’s Recoil Master
Anyone who has played CS:GO a little bit more seriously will tell you the same thing: recoil is a key mechanic in the game, and mastering recoil for the best CSGO guns is one of the most basic skills you need to learn in order to get better. ULLeticaL’s Recoil Master map is a great way to practice shooting with all the different CS:GO guns and to learn how to control recoil effectively. The map offers a simple game mode, where players who want to practice can learn how to master different guns at different paces. Players can complete different practice drills, where they can learn how to effectively spray from different guns and how to make the most out of every shot, even with a gun that recoils the rounds all over the map.
In Conlusion
Here are all the best CSGO custom maps you can try out for yourself, if you need to master shooting with different guns, at different ranges. Each map offers a different selection of skills you can practice, so pick the one that you feel you need the most and get to training! Also, if you have some skins you don’t need, be sure to check out Skinsmonkey, where you can sell CSGO (CS2) skins for best prices, always!

A true gaming enthusiast, especially Counter-Strike: Global Offensive and Rust. At SkinsMonkey, he is involved in creating game guides based on his own experience.