CS2 has been on the mouths of every Counter Strike player for a long time now. And while the rumors that CS2 will replace Counter Strike: Global Offensive have already been confirmed by Valve, it wasn’t until the trailer that dropped on 22 March that the players knew they will be heading into a new game.

We don’t know a lot about what awaits us in CS2, but it’s clear that there will be many changes to the game we all know and love. But one of the things that is on everyone’s mind, is perhaps the most important aspect of the game. What will happen to your CSGO skins, and will you be able to sell CS2 skins to other players?

What Are The Changes In CS2?

In Counter Strike 2, Valve has decided to port the entire game to their new engine, source 2. While Counter Strike: Global Offensive is a perfectly playable game, the original source engine is already quite dated, considering the game was released 10 years ago, without any concrete updates aside from high-resolution textures.

In order to upgrade the game to more modern FPS standards, Valve has decided to give the game almost a complete overhaul, changing many different aspects in the process. Besides the visual changes in graphics with higher definition models and textures, players can expect some gameplay changes to the online game. One of the aspects that will be given some extra thought is matchmaking. Over the years, Valve has introduced a number of measures to make the matchmaking in CSGO more fair and prevent people from using smurf accounts. While we don’t know what changes will be implemented exactly, players can expect an improved quality to their matchmaking in CS2.

In addition, all maps will receive a visual overhaul in the source 2 engine, although nobody is quite sure if this change will only remain visual. While it’s debatable whether Valve would introduce significant changes to most classic Counter Strike competitive maps, It is confirmed that CS2 will release with a set of maps ported from the original CSGO, as well as a number of brand new maps.

Finally, there will be some changes to gameplay details in CS 2. The new engine will introduce some significant changes to how the game world operates. This means that you might have to re-learn all of your favorite guns, as well as all the best grenade spots on the map.

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What About CSGO Skins?

While CS 2 is advertised as a completely new game, one worry that all players have is what will happen to the skins that are on their Steam account. The good news is you don’t have to worry about it. All of your CSGO skins will be transferred to the new game, and your CSGO inventory will be replaced with a new one for CS2. All of your skins will be automatically upgraded to their CS2 versions. Although the look of your skins shouldn’t change significantly, we’re still not sure if the new weapon models won’t affect the look of your items. Because the game will receive a complete overhaul, there’s a chance, that sometimes an entire skin might look different in the new game version.

Another piece of good news is that SkinsMonkey will remain functional for the new Counter Strike version as well. This means that players who want to get their hands on some of the best skins in the game for the best prices will still be able to use our services to pimp out their CSGO inventories. The website will continue to host giveaways, which means that you’ll still be able to obtain free CS:GO (CS2) skins.

Players who want to buy or sell CS2 skins will be able to do it the same way they’ve been doing with SkinsMonkey before the source 2 port. All you have to do, is log in to our website with your Steam account (remember to enable trading for your Steam account first), choose the skins that you want to trade or purchase, finalize your transaction and pick up your items. When you use SkinsMonkey you can always be sure, that your skins will be in your inventory as fast as it’s possible.

Will Counter Strike 2 Affect Skin Trading?

As mentioned above, we know for sure that skin trading will still be possible, and SkinsMonkey will remain fully functional. However, it is difficult to say with certainty how the transition will affect prices and market fluctuations. It is reasonable to assume that the value of many items will increase, given that the new game is likely to attract new players to it. And the more gamers want to buy items, the harder it will be to get them and the higher their prices will be. So it is logical to assume that it is better to stock up on skins now rather than after the release of the new Counter Strike.

RELATED:  Sell CSGO Skins on SkinsMonkey

When you use SkinsMonkey you can always expect to get better deals, than when trading on the Steam community market. Our website doesn’t involve any hidden costs on the transactions, as well as ensures that all of your transactions will be fast and secure. If you ever feel like you might need new CS2 skins, or would simply want to trade CS2 skins for new ones, Skinsmonkey is the place for you.