Counter-Strike: Global Offensive is an excellent game by Valve. While it is fun to play with random people every now and again, nothing beats the excitement of taking part in matchmaking with good friends from real life.
However, it is possible to take things further by introducing music into the mix by using SLAM CSGO.
By using the Slam CSGO plugin you will enhance your CSGO experience by being able to broadcast custom music to your friends through the game.
What is Slam CS?
Source live audio mixer, or SLAM is a program that allows users to play music or custom audio files such as soundboard sounds through the in-game voice chat. It also allows users to broadcast a custom music playlist to everyone who is willing to listen on the server.

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Does Slam Work in CS:GO?
Yes, it does. SLAM program is perfectly compatible with the game. And it can be used while playing CS GO. Below, we will provide a detailed SLAM CSGO tutorial, which will show how to download, install and use SLAM.
If you find your CSGO SMAL not working, there are many dedicated websites where other SLAM community members provide various possible solutions.
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How Do You Run a Slam in CS GO?
In order to run the SLAM CSGO program, you will first need to download it. To do so, go to the SLAM Flankers website and click on the download button.
Once you have the Source live audio mixer downloaded, you will need to unzip it into a folder of your choice. You will need WinRar, 7Zip, or any other similar program for this. When you unzip the archive, the SLAM application is ready to use. Start the SLAM app by clicking on the slam icon.
The next step requires you to upload an audio file of your choice and then choose a key to select your file within the game. The audio file you can upload from your device or copy from a website such as YouTube. Once you have selected your file, click on the import button. You will also need to make a keybind to play the audio file.
Now your audio is ready, the next step is to launch CSGO and start a match. It can be either local or online.
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Once your match begins, open the developer console by pressing the console key (“~”). Then type exec slam, and hit enter. It will start the SLAM plugin and import your audio into the temporary files. If you want to see the SLAM CSGO soundboard in the console, you can type “la” into it. It will display all the audio files.
All you need to do now is press the keybind to select your audio, and then press the other keybind to play it.
How Do You Turn Off Slam in CSGO?
If you wish to stop the SLAM program in the middle of your CSGO match, the easiest solution would be to alt+tab out of the game and click the stop button on the SLAM program.
Another option would be to assign a bind key to start playing music files and a different key to stop playing music, creating both a start and a stop button. You would also need to assign another talk button if you wish to be able to use your microphone and communicate with other players in the game without the SLAM sounds getting in the way.
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Are There Any Alternatives to The SLAM CSGO Plugin
The short answer is no. Today there are no alternatives to the SLAM CSGO program. Prior to the release of Counter-Strike: Global Offensive, the most popular plugin for this purpose was the HLDJ. However, the plugin has never been implemented in the CSGO engine. However, if you are playing older Half-Life franchise titles, the HLDJ plugin is still stable enough to be used, despite its age.
It is also worth mentioning that there is a complicated method of editing audio files. On the other hand, it is considered obsolete. This method was used back in 2017. That time Valve was more lenient with the VAC bans and the integrity of the video game files.
Nowadays, there are many reported cases in which people received bans for tampering with audio files.
Final Verdict
This article focus on detailed information about the SLAM plugin for CS:GO, and a tutorial on how you can install and set up the plugin to play custom music and custom audio files within the shooter.
The article will also provide information about any possible SLAM alternatives for CSGO and other games from the Half-Life franchise.

A true gaming enthusiast, especially Counter-Strike: Global Offensive and Rust. At SkinsMonkey, he is involved in creating game guides based on his own experience.