Team Fortress 2 is one of the most creative games that provides its players with countless gameplay options. With a variety of classes, each person can find the perfect character for themselves and make the most of their abilities while ALSO having fun. However, in order to do so, you need to be able to strategize and choose only the best items.
That’s why today we’re going to give you a complete guide to the best TF2 items for all 9 classes.
A Short Introduction to Team Fortress 2 Classes
Just in case there are any new Team Fortress players here who are not yet well-versed in how the game works, we will provide a very brief description of the classes you will encounter during gameplay.
So, there are 9 classes available in TF2, which are divided into 3 categories, namely:
- Support classes
- Defensive classes
- Offensive classes
Each of these categories indicates the function that the class performs during a match in TF2. Nevertheless, this does not mean that characters are limited to only one function. Team Fortress 2 players must be prepared to face many different tasks in the game.”
Which classes fall into which categories?
When it comes to which class falls into which category, here’s how the breakdown looks:
Support Classes
- Medic Class
- Sniper Class
- Spy Class
Defensive Classes
- Heavy Class
- Engineer Class
- Demoman Class
Offensive Classes
- Soldier Class
- Scout Class
- Pyro Class
Now that we’ve covered the basics, let’s move on to what items are best for each class. Don’t forget that you can trade TF2 objects on SkinsMonkey for the absolute best prices.
What Are the Best Weapons for Each TF2 Class?
Each class has a range of weapons to choose from, which can be used to implement different strategies. These are divided into:
- melee weapons
- primary weapons
- secondary weapons
What’s more, each of these categories has its own default version, which is not necessarily the best for what you are planning. Let’s now go through the weapons that we think will be most effective during combat.
Medic Class

The Blutsauger is the Medic’s primary weapon, which you’ll need to unlock in order to add it to your inventory (fortunately, this is fairly easy, as you only need 10 achievements to do so). It’s actually a great alternative to the default Syringe Gun, as it adds 3 health points when you hit an enemy player. Of course, it also has its weaknesses, such as hindered movement, however, it’s still an excellent choice for people who are starting out with Medic and want something more than the default weapon, but aren’t ready for the so-called BIG GUNS.
The Medi Gun is fine, but the Kritzkrieg is where the magic happens. This amazing pistol can heal up to 150% of base health overlimit. What’s more, the Ubercharge provides the “patient” with a 100% chance of a critical hit, making it an amazing addition to almost any combat situation. And yes, the effect disappears as soon as the Ktirz beam disengages, but it’s still an amazing secondary weapon to use during matches.
Not everyone is a fan of the Ubersaw, as it is much slower than the Bonesaw. Nevertheless, its best part is that every hit against an opponent adds 25% to your Ubercharge (it even works on cloaked spies!), which is incredibly useful during combat. So basically, it all depends on your strategy, however, from our experience, we can safely say that Ubersaw works well in virtually any combat environment in a match.
Sniper Class

Bazaar Bargain
The Bazaar Bargain is a great primary weapon for the Sniper, especially considering that it was created by the community. While it may be a bit slower than the default sniper rifle, it includes a “Heads” counter that adds 25% to the weapon’s charge factor after each headshot. Once you’ve fired 6 such shots, you’ll have as much as a 100% higher charge factor than with a regular rifle.
SMG is the first stock weapon we include in our list, but don’t be fooled. Some things may seem boring and redundant, but they actually work better than most of the “fancy items” available in the game. This is exactly the case with this object. It may inflict relatively small damage per single shot, but its firing speed and accuracy make you capable of much more efficient kills than with other secondary weapons.
Tribalman’s Shiv
It is known that the main task of a sniper is to attack from a distance and deal with enemies with stealth, but even this class must be armed with some sort of melee weapon, and our favorite of these is Tribalman’s Shiv. Its huge advantage is that after each stab it makes the opponent bleed and lose health points for 6 seconds, which definitely makes up for the fact that its intitial damage is relatively low. We recommend trying it out in your next match.
Spy Class

Ok, we’ll point out right away that one of the main reasons why the Diamondback is our favorite spy item is its appearance, but that doesn’t change the fact that it’s actually a great secondary weapon. This futuristic gun was designed by Team Fortress 2 community members and is based on an item from Deus Ex: Human Revolution. In fact, it’s probably one of the best things to ever hit TF2. However, if you are more interested in its capabilities, it can store up to 35 critical hits (which is a lot).
Don’t be fooled by the absurd name of this item. The Spy-cicle is a melee weapon that perhaps has similar properties to a regular stock knife, but with one very significant difference – it freezes enemies with each backstab. The effect is quite spectacular, especially considering that it is the only item that not only produces a special animation with each killing action but also makes a unique sound that signals that you are dealing with a spy.
Invis Watch
Do we even need to introduce this item? There is no good spy without Invis Watch. This inconspicuous gadget allows our favorite master of deception to become invisible, so he can penetrate all enemy defenses. Of course, if you’re just starting out with this class then keep in mind that it takes a few seconds to become completely hidden. Therefore, you’ll need to strategize, before doing so. Nevertheless, this is probably the biggest staple in any Spy’s equipment.
Heavy Class

Yes, this is a sandwich. But please, stay with us. With a class like Heavy, its main weapon is its size, so your most important task will simply be to keep him alive. AND THAT’S WHY THIS SANDVICH IS GREAT. The reason is that by eating it you are able to slowly restore 300 health points of this giant (yes! 300!!!) Therefore, we guarantee that it will be your best friend during virtually all matches.
Of course, Heavy also has other cool items that aren’t necessarily included in the sandwiches. GRU or Gloves of Urgent Running is probably our favorite melee weapon from his inventory. As you can guess, the size of this class is unlikely to make it easy for it to move quickly, and rapid escapes aren’t exactly its specialty. But, if you put these boxing gloves on, your movement speed will increase by 30%, which in Heavy’s case makes a colossal difference. Unfortunately, they also have a negative effect on this character’s health, but it’s not significant enough to discourage their use.
Mini Gun
As with Sniper, we believe that sometimes it’s just worth betting on the classics. The Mini Gun is a stock weapon for Heavy that you can really rely on during a fight. Just keep in mind that ranged combat is not this strongman’s forte, and it’s usually best to simply strike your opponents with your fists. Nevertheless, if you are eager to use some gans in a match, this one will definitely be ok, especially for relatively short distances.
Engineer Class

The Widowmaker is a primary weapon created by the TF2 community, and a favorite of most players. Why, you ask? Well, it is actually what you would call a high-risk, high-reward weapon. The reason for this is that it consumes as much as 30 units of metal with each shot, BUT returns the same amount, provided you actually hit the target. Therefore, you have to be accurate! In addition, you don’t have to reload it, which is a huge advantage and time saver.
Gunslinger is one of the most versatile items not only for an Engineer, but in general in the entire game. It is a melee weapon that perhaps doesn’t look like much, however, it will certainly help you win, regardless of your skill level. First of all, this arm prosthesis significantly improves maximum health, secondly, it increases building speed by 150%, and thirdly. In addition, it reduces the cost of metal by 23% and provides a critical hit HER on the third consecutive blow.
Sentry Guns are automatically launched by default. This means that they destroy targets on their own, which of course can be effective, but can also be very annoying. That’s why Wrangler allows players to take control of them and place a protective shield around them, which absorbs 66% of all incoming damage. Note, however, that when using it, the guard cannons will have a reduced repair speed and less ammunition. We recommend its use only if you have a well-thought-out strategy.
Demoman Class

Grenade Launcher
In the case of Demoman, his stock weapons really work great in most cases, and so does the Grenade Launcher (well, what better for a character whose main job is to blow things up?). It’s an absolute classic that lets you fire projectiles at 1216 Hammer units per second. Plus, if you learn to use it well, you can even benefit from gravity and the ability to bounce them off other objects. It’s pretty amazing how versatile this simple weapon is.
Stickybomb Launcher
Another default weapon of Demoman is the Stickybomb Launcher. It has a lot of similarities to the Grenade Launcher, except that instead of traditional grenades, it releases so-called sticky bombs (aka stickies), which are projectiles that don’t explode immediately upon hitting an object. Instead, they attach to it and only explode when you choose to do so using a detonator. This is a really great way to secure an area or set a trap for annoying enemies.
Not to leave out those who are fans of melee combat, we also include the Eyelander, a classic sword that is one of the best weapons for a Demoman when forced into a hand-to-hand fight. This item has a lot of advantages, including a 50% greater range than other melee weapons and the ability to decapitate the opponent when striking a kill (which is probably its best part). Plus, it just looks cool!
Soldier Class

Rocket Launcher
Demoman is not the only character that can launch stuff. Soldier also has such abilities and the Rocket Launcher is a perfect example. This stock weapon performs brilliantly in virtually all conditions and never fails. The projectiles that come out of it move at 1100 Hammer units per second and are not at all affected by gravity. Any opponent who gets within their range has virtually no chance of surviving (and will probably explode into gibs).
Escape Plan
If you need a way to escape quickly, there is no better item than the Escape Plan. After all, even the best soldiers of time need to retreat, and this inconspicuous melee weapon is able to significantly increase your chances of doing that, as it can increase your speed of movement. However, it should be remembered that this comes at the expense of health. Still, some situations call for drastic solutions. Therefore, if your team finds itself in a hopeless situation, do not hesitate to use this pick.
Okay, you may think we’re boring, but the Soldier really does have great primary weapons, and the Shotgun is another example. Think what you want, but in short-range combat this classic works great. Yes, the accuracy is poor and yes, it has quite a bit of recoil. But does it bother you when an enemy Demoman or Spy suddenly appears in front of you? No, it doesn’t! The important thing is to be able to quickly start shooting and get rid of them, and the Shotgun allows you to do that.
Scout Class

Scattergun is Scout’s default primary weapon, which is great at short ranges. As its name implies, it sends in multiple projectiles at once, and on top of that, the power of the damage it inflicts is much higher than that inflicted by, for example, the Shotgun. It is an ideal weapon for the fastest character in Team Fortress 2 because it allows her to react quickly to the enemies she encounters on her way. Once again, the classics work well.
Batsaber is a slightly better version of the classic stick that is Scout’s stock melee weapon. First of all, we’ll say that it doesn’t actually have too many special features that would prove its superiority. Nevertheless, one thing makes it really special, and that is the fact that when you kill someone with it, the character undergoes a spectacular disintegration. In addition, the weapon makes an electronic sound whenever you’re dealing damage with it. It’s really a great way to spice up the gameplay a bit.
Mad Milk
The Mad Milk is probably one of the most satisfying weapons in all of TF2. We know it looks inconspicuous (and a little crazy), but trust us, it’s great. Whenever you throw it at any of your opponents and they get covered in it, you can expect to inflict significant pain. But best of all, 60% of all damage dealt to another player will be used to restore your health. Awesome, right? What’s more, you can use this crazy milk to quench your teammates after Pyro has taken an interest in them.

Flame Thrower
The Flame Thrower is the most distinctive weapon for Pyro, and for good reason. Without it, this character practically doesn’t exist, and that’s because this little pyromaniac is in love with setting others on fire. Using this weapon, you are capable of making any opponent burst into flames, and on top of that, suffer from afterburn wounds (and for quite some time, in fact). What’s more, you can use it to extinguish your allies which will also help restore your health. If you’re a fan of Pyro, there’s nothing better for short-distance combat.
Flare Gun
Flare Gun may not be as popular as the flame thrower itself, however, it is still definitely one of the top secondary weapons for this character. Its advantages include the ability to deal high damage, automatic reload, and guaranteed critical hits (provided you strike burning enemies). Unfortunately, it doesn’t provide any afterburn wounds, but nevertheless, it still works great in pretty much any fight.
Few people know that Pyro is not only suitable for setting fire to everything around him, but also for dealing with Engineer’s buildings. If you equip the Homewrecker, you can confidently tackle knocking down nearby buildings. This axe provides double the homewrecker and can take out an Electro Sapper with just a single hit. Admittedly, it performs quite average against enemy players, but if part of your team’s strategy is the need to crack down on hostile buildings, this melee weapon is perfect for that.

A true gaming enthusiast, especially Counter-Strike: Global Offensive and Rust. At SkinsMonkey, he is involved in creating game guides based on his own experience.