Counter Strike knives have a fanbase all of their own, and the Talon knife is no exception. This cosmetic item has been taking over the Steam market pretty much since it first appeared in the game in 2018, and now that CS2 is here, it’s time for anyone who hasn’t explored its capabilities to give it a try.

That’s why today we’re bringing you a list of our favorite Talon knife skins to upgrade your CS2 inventory with.

Talon Knife in CS2

The Talon knife is described in-game as an “ivory-handled karambit” that “features brass rivets and sawtooth grooves, so it cuts on the way in and tears on the way out.” And while admittedly the knives in Counter Strike don’t actually offer any real combat advantages or other special abilities (meaning the cutting and tearing part might be a bit of an exaggeration), it’s hard to argue that this particular blade doesn’t isn’t something special. So if you’re looking for a knife to upgrade your gear with, this is the one for you.

Top 7 Talon Knife Skins

Below you’ll find our special list of the best Talon knife skins, perfect for both those who have broad experience with this particular blade and those who are considering trying it for the first time. If you like one of the items presented to you so much that you want to add it to your collection, remember that on SkinsMonkey you can trade CS2 items at the best prices. This is a particularly useful tip when you consider that popular knives, such as the Talon knife, are some of the most expensive items in the game.

Talon Knife Vanilla

There’s nothing wrong with wanting something simple every now and then! That’s why we’re starting our list today with the most minimalist Talon Knife version there is, the Vanilila variant. This is the standard design of this blade, but that doesn’t mean it’s boring. If you’re a big fan of Counter Strike knives, you might just want to enjoy them without any extra covers or decorations. Therefore, we are convinced that this is a solid option that will suit the tastes of many players.

  • Lowest Steam Price: $408.92
  • Highest Steam Price:$412.95
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Talon Knife Crimson Web

Now to bring you something completely opposite to the Vanilla skin, let’s take a look at the iconic Crimson Web, which is the dream of every red loadout enthusiast that has stepped into Counter Strike. The design is a stunning combination of a bloody red curved blade and an all-black handle, making this piece a staple in many players’ collections. If you need a standout piece that will upgrade your entire inventory, the Crimson Web is for you.

  • Lowest Steam Price: $288.73
  • Highest Steam Price: $2959.76

Talon Knife Ultraviolet

Ultraviolet is another unique looking skin that is a combination of two colors, this time black and purple. And while we know this kind of mashup isn’t everyone’s cup of tea, it’s still one of our favorite Talon Knife skins, and we couldn’t leave it off our list. This piece was part of the Prisma 2 Case and was introduced with the “Seeing the Light” update. It’s a real treat for all fans of eye-catching gear.

  • Lowest Steam Price: $223.79
  • Highest Steam Price: $914.42

Talon Knife Tiger Tooth

We can never get enough of animal prints, and hopefully you can too, because the next item on our list is probably one of the wildest pieces in the entire CS2 inventory. The Tiger Tooth Skin features a design reminiscent of a real tiger skin (pun intended), and while this particular finish is also available on other blades, we think it looks best on this knife, and the reason is simple – the Talon Knife’s blade is shaped like a tiger’s tooth. Given that, we honestly couldn’t have imagined a better combination.

  • Lowest Steam Price: $556.97
  • Highest Steam Price: $567.89

Talon Knife Forest DDPAT

Let’s leave the crazy color schemes and prints aside for a second and talk about an iconic knife skin that is available for many weapons and blades in CS, but probably looks best on the Talon knife. Forst DDPAT is a skin that fulfills the needs of all camouflage lovers. So, if you’re a fan of the military-inspired look and are looking for a perfect blade to fit into that aesthetic, this piece is what you need.

  • Lowest Steam Price: $187.88
  • Highest Steam Price: $415.77
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Talon Knife Fade

Finally, let’s talk about the amazing series of skins called Fade. These were made by airbrushing transparent colors that create a beautiful fade effect over a chrome base coat. In the classic version, they come in an amazing pinkish hue that reminds you of a summer evening sky or a beautiful sunset (at least to us). This CS2 item is perfect for people who just love all things pretty and want the most pleasing-looking inventory there is.

  • Lowest Steam Price: $1,111.00
  • Highest Steam Price: $1,114.26

Talon Knife Marble Fade

The Marble Fade differs significantly from the classic Fade. Instead of simply opting for a pink tone, the fade effect is achieved by combining black and silver metallic colors and using a marbling medium. The result is a truly unique look that will blend in beautifully with any dark CS2 inventory. So if you are looking for a nice toned-down weapon skin but still want that unique look, this is the one for you.

  • Lowest Steam Price: $725.10
  • Highest Steam Price: $740.24


The Talon Knife is one of the most eye-catching items in the entire game. So if you’re looking for a new blade for your knife slot, don’t hesitate to buy one of the skins from our list. These are sure to enhance your collection and earn you the respect of other players.