In Dota 2 gamers can create their own personalized loadouts by combining different pieces of equipment on their heroes. Players can modify individual pieces of the hero’s gear, allowing them to create their own Dota 2 skins by combining different items.

Since the game’s release, Valve has added a large number of cosmetic items to the game, some of them very rare and expensive. However, you don’t need to spend a fortune if you want to get some awesome, flashy items for your Dota 2 loadout. Here are the best of the cheap Dota 2 skins available to purchase today!

Also, remember, that if you ever need to score some cash for any item on this list, you can always trade items for the best prices available at Skinsmonkey!

Sullen Rampart

Necrophos has gone through a large number of changes throughout the game’s history, and the hero has been played in virtually every lane in the game. Nowadays, he is mostly played as midlaner, thanks to his W ability, which allows him to become ethereal and avoid attacks. This awesome immortal item enhances his W animation, adding an extra visual effect of ghosts climbing out of the ground when Necrophos activates his Ghost Shroud. Best part? This awesome Dota 2 item is available for as low as $8.

Reaper’s Wreath

Drow Ranger players have a wide selection of different awesome skins for this hero, but out of all the immortal items for this carry, Reaper’s Wreath stands out as a particularly awesome choice. This Drow Ranger weapon slot item replaces her standard bow with one that features an awesome visual design with wooden elements and blooming autumn leaves, referencing Drow’s elven heritage. It also adds an awesome visual effect to her Ice Arrows, Drow’s signature ability. It’s one of the cheapest immortal Dota 2 skins, available for as low as $1.

Crimson Cyrridae

This head slot item for Weaver is another great choice, if you’re looking for the cheapest Dota 2 items. Referencing the Crimson Orchid, an item commonly purchased on Weaver, and replaces the standard insect feelers on his head with new ones, glowing with a crimson ambiance. Besides this effect, it also improves the visuals of Weaver’s Q, Swarm. With Crimson Cyrridae, the standard worms that appear when you use your Q are replaced with different ones, featuring glowing red particles. If you want a Crimson Cyrridae of your own, you’re in luck. This is one of the cheapest immortal items, and is available for less than $1!

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Chalice of Ix’yxa

This Pugna item, initially available in the Immortal Treasure II 2019, adds a new awesome animation to Pugna’s signature Q, Nether Blast. This support hero is known for his powerful pushing capabilities, with his Q able to damage structures, and this awesome immortal item drives this point home. This awesome item reverses the direction of the blast, instead of creating a ring that grows outwards, Pugna’s Nether Blast gives a visual of a collapsing ground, turning inwards, when you have this item equipped. It’s a must-have for any Pugna player, and is also ridiculously cheap for the awesome visuals it provides, it costs only $0.12.

Jade Reckoning

Although the Earth Spirit might have fallen out of favor with many gamers after becoming significantly weaker throughout the game, this hero still occasionally makes an appearance in team comps that need to be able to engage quickly. Jade Reckoning replaces his signature W, Rolling Boulder, with a completely new animation of a Buddhist chime rolling down to smash into his opponents. For fans of Asian themes and any Earth Spirit mains, this item is a must-have, especially since you can get it for as low as $0.80.

Golden Edict Of Shadows

This Rikki item can be bought even cheaper in its standard version, but considering that the Golden Edict of Shadows isn’t that much more expensive, you should consider purchasing this upgraded version. Despite the flashy appearance, it doesn’t take anything away from his stealthiness. While by itself the Edict of Shadows upgrades Rikki’s signature Smoke Cloud, adding the effect of his laughing face, the golden version also improves the cloud itself, turning it completely golden. This immortal item is insanely cheap for the awesome visuals it provides, starting as low as $0.15. With such a low price, it’s a must-have for any Rikki fan.

The Lightning Orchid

Another item referencing the Crimson Orchid on this list, this time the reference goes to a Storm Spirit immortal treasure item, the Lightning Orchid. This item is commonly built on the Storm Spirit and allows him to make easy ganks by popping in with his ultimate, activating the silence, and simply wearing the enemy down with powerful auto attacks. This hat for Storm Spirit references this classic combo, adding a crimson effect to his already visually impressive ultimate. This awesome cheap Dota 2 item costs as low as $0.80.

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Golden Crucible Of Rile

Axe is one of the most popular tanks in the game, and has access to many awesome Dota 2 items that enhance his looks and abilities. One such item is the Golden Crucible of Rile, a special mask for axe, that gives an awesome visual effect to his Q, Berserkers Call. When he uses this signature taunt ability with the Golden Crucible of Rile Equipped, Axe lets out a ground-shattering howl, leaving fractures in the ground in all directions. This awesome Axe item can be yours for as low as $0.36.

Focal Resonance

Perhaps the flashiest Templar Assassin item is also one of the cheapest ones. TA’s aesthetic is kept in mysterious, darker colors, so bright and flashy items are not often her cup of tea. However, this awesome Dota 2 skin adds a golden hue to her usual PSI blades, making her splash attacks look even deadlier. In addition, her Meld ability empowers her attack with a golden arrow, which gives it an even deadlier look. This Dota 2 item is available at an affordable price of around $5.

Lash Of The Lizard King

Shadow Shaman has a nice selection of immortal items to choose from, thanks to his popularity. This support hero is a common pick thanks to his awesome crowd control abilities. Shadow Shaman can stun the enemy units for over 4 seconds total with a combo of his abilities. One of his signature skills is the Shackles, which allow him to hold down the enemy in place and deal them some extra damage. The Lash of the Lizard King enhances this ability, changing the standard magic shackles into a long frog tongue. If you like this strange aesthetic, the Lash of the Lizard King is definitely what you need.

In Conclusion

Here are some of the best cheap Dota 2 skins you can purchase for your inventory today. If you want more cool items for your favorite heroes, make sure to visit Skinsmonkey, where you can trade Dota 2 skins for the best prices possible!