★ Karambit | Boreal Forest Knife Skins

★ Karambit | Boreal Forest (Factory New)
FN - Suoraan Tehtaalta $ 2,379.67
MW - Vähän Käytetty $ 841.69
FT - Kentällä Kokeiltu $ 772.18
WW - Aikansa Elänyt $ 713.20
BS - Reissussa rähjääntynyt $ 693.47

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Type Veitsi
Weapon ★ Karambit
Skin Boreal Forest
Rarity Salainen
Colors Green, Lime

Welcome to SkinsMonkey - Introducing the ★ Karambit | Boreal Forest Skin!

Discover our latest addition to our stellar collection of skins - the ★ Karambit | Boreal Forest. This unique and enchanting skin is perfect for those who want to bring a touch of the wilderness to their gameplay. Here’s a quick overview of what makes this skin stand out from the rest.

Captivating Design & Origin of the ★ Karambit | Boreal Forest Skin

Originating from the southeast Asian martial discipline of silat, the karambit is known for its curved blade that resembles a tiger’s claw. This versatile weapon is typically held in a reverse grip with the finger ring resting on the index finger, allowing for precision and strength in each strike. The ★ Karambit | Boreal Forest skin adds a touch of elegance and stealth, as it boasts a forest camouflage hydrographic inspired by the wild terrain of the woods.

Unleash Your Inner Beast with the ★ Karambit | Boreal Forest Skin

The tantalizing forest camouflage pattern makes this skin a must-have for those venturing into dangerous gameplay territories. Remind yourself that you’re never truly alone in the heart of the wilderness with the ★ Karambit | Boreal Forest skin by your side. Equip this skin and embrace the fierceness of the tiger’s claw while dominating your opponents in your favorite game, Counter Strike.

Looking for the perfect addition to your collection? Look no further than the ★ Karambit skin | Boreal Forest! Head over to SkinsMonkey.com to claim this magnificent skin and show off your love for nature and combat prowess. Don’t forget - the woods can be a perilous place, but with the ★ Karambit | Boreal Forest in your arsenal, you’ll be more than ready to face the challenges that lie ahead!

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