AUG | Copperhead Assault Rifle Skins

AUG | Copperhead (Minimal Wear)
FN - Recién Fabricado Not Available
MW - Casi Nuevo $ 152.77
FT - Algo Desgastado $ 149.13
WW - Bastante Desgastado Not Available
BS - Deplorable Not Available

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Type Rifle de Asalto
Weapon AUG
Skin Copperhead
Rarity Militar
Colors Orange

AUG | Copperhead: Enhance Your Gameplay Experience

Introducing the AUG | Copperhead, which promises to elevate your Counter-Strike gaming experience to all-new heights. The combination of incredible firepower, precision accuracy, and finishing aesthetics of this one-of-a-kind skin will make you stand out from the competition.

Features of the AUG | Copperhead Skin

The AUG scoped assault rifle is renowned for its high rate of fire and low spread, making it a powerful and precise weapon of choice for many players. While its long reload times may initially seem like a drawback, the impressive shooting capabilities of this rifle more than make up for it.

The see-through copperhead snakeskin-patterned hydrographic design is a distinguishing feature of this skin. The unique design not only adds style to your gameplay but also offers an injection of personality to your in-game persona.

Don’t settle for anything less than extraordinary. Equip your game with the AUG | Copperhead skin and turn heads with your unparalleled shooting skills and unbeatable style.

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