FN - 崭新出厂 | Not Available |
MW - 略有磨损 | Not Available |
FT - 久经沙场 | Not Available |
WW - 破损不堪 | $ 164.74 |
BS - 战痕累累 | $ 162.59 |
Type | 小刀 |
Weapon | ★ Bowie Knife |
Skin | Rust Coat |
Rarity | 隐秘 |
Colors | Blue, Gray |
Emerge as the ultimate survivor with the ★ Bowie Knife | Rust Coat skin - a testament to your unwavering determination in the face of adversity. While its appearance may be deceptive, this full-tang sawback Bowie knife is designed to withstand even the most challenging survival situations.
Despite its rusted exterior, the ★ Bowie Knife | Rust Coat remains fully operational and ambitious in its purpose. This knife isn’t just a showpiece – it’s designed for those who boldly embrace the dirt and grime of their endeavors, unafraid to display their unyielding resilience.
The ★ Bowie Knife | Rust Coat skin stands as a bold statement for players who refuse to shy away from the messiness of their actions. It’s a skin for those who don’t need to hide how dirty their deeds are; rather, they embrace the grit and continue to rise above challenges.
Whatever your next mission may be, equip the ★ Bowie Knife skin | Rust Coat for an unyielding reminder of the tougher battles you’ve won, and a symbol of the relentless warrior within you.
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