CZ75-Auto | Green Plaid Pistol Skins

CZ75-Auto | Green Plaid (Factory New)
FN - Nouă $ 5.35
MW - Uzură Minimă $ 5.35
FT - Testată $ 3.64
WW - Uzată $ 3.57
BS - Deteriorată $ 3.57

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Type Pistol
Weapon CZ75-Auto
Skin Green Plaid
Rarity Obișnuită
Colors Yellow

Introducing the CZ75-Auto | Green Plaid Skin

Discover the CZ75-Auto | Green Plaid, a unique and eye-catching skin for the popular CZ75-Auto skin pistol. As a fully automatic variant of the classic CZ75, this weapon offers an excellent short-term option for players looking to seize control of the game and secure their opponents’ weapons. However, bear in mind its limited magazine capacity, which demands impeccable trigger discipline from those who wield it.

Unparalleled Design: Taupe and Blue-Green Plaid Pattern

What sets the CZ75-Auto | Green Plaid apart from the rest is its stunning design. The weapon has been meticulously painted with a hydrographic, featuring an enchanting taupe and blue-green plaid pattern. While it may not be a bagpipe, this pistol certainly plays a deadly tune before every funeral in the game.

Upgrade your weapon collection and boost your in-game performance with the stylish and lethal CZ75-Auto | Green Plaid skin. Remember, with great power comes the need for strong trigger discipline - master this skill and become a force to be reckoned with on the battlefield.

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