★ Karambit | Doppler Ruby Knife Skins

★ Karambit | Doppler Ruby (Factory New)
FN - Recién Fabricado $ 13,410.73
MW - Casi Nuevo $ 10,724.67
FT - Algo Desgastado Not Available
WW - Bastante Desgastado Not Available
BS - Deplorable Not Available

Community Rating

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Type Cuchillo
Weapon ★ Karambit
Skin Doppler Ruby
Rarity Encubierto
Colors Red, Black

★ Karambit | Doppler Ruby: Trade, Buy and Sell on SkinsMonkey

If you’re a fan of the game Counter-Strike, then you don’t want to miss out on the incredible ★ Karambit | Doppler Ruby skin. Trade, buy, and sell this highly sought-after skin on SkinsMonkey.

History of ★ Karambit | Doppler Ruby skins

The ★ Karambit | Doppler Ruby, also known as Kara Ruby, was introduced to the game on January 8, 2015, as part of the “Full Spectrum” update. You can find this skin in any “Chroma” case. The beautiful metallic paint on the blade, adorned with translucent wavy lines resembling smoke, creates an eye-catching design. The shades of red used in the skin create gradient transitions, resembling the texture of a ruby. The handle of the knife remains unpainted, adding to its allure.

Who created the ★ Karambit | Doppler Ruby?

This stunning skin was created by a talented artist and is loved by players all around the world. The creator of the ★ Karambit | Doppler Ruby remains unknown, but their artistic vision has left a lasting impact in the world of Counter-Strike.

How much does ★ Karambit | Doppler Ruby cost?

If you’re wondering about the price of the ★ Karambit | Doppler Ruby, prepare yourself for a significant investment. This skin is not only highly desirable but also rare, making it one of the most expensive phases in the “Karambit | Doppler” series. Its quality is classified as Covert, and it offers a StatTrak option.

★ Karambit | Doppler Ruby - float score

The float value of the ★ Karambit | Doppler Ruby ranges from 0.00 to 0.08, ensuring that it is only available in Factory New and Minimal Wear conditions. As the wear level approaches its maximum, the knife may show slight abrasions in the central part of the blade, along the edges of the ring, and near the handle’s corner. The pattern index affects the texture overlay, and although there are no special or rare variations of the pattern, the overall design remains stunning.

How rare is ★ Karambit | Doppler Ruby?

The ★ Karambit | Doppler Ruby is considered a rare skin, highly valued by collectors. While it may not be the rarest of its kind, it is undoubtedly a precious gem in the world of Counter-Strike skins. Its rarity contributes to its exclusivity and prestige.

Which case contains a ★ Karambit | Doppler Ruby?

If you’re looking to obtain a ★ Karambit | Doppler Ruby, you’ll need to open a “Chroma” case. Keep your eyes peeled for this legendary skin as you explore the contents of this case. Every opening brings the possibility of capturing the exquisite beauty of the ★ Karambit | Doppler Ruby.

★ Karambit | Doppler Ruby collection

The ★ Karambit skin | Doppler Ruby belongs to the illustrious collection of Karambit | Doppler skins. Each skin in this series offers a unique and captivating design, but the ★ Karambit | Doppler Ruby stands out with its mesmerizing shades of red and flawless execution. It’s a treasure worth showcasing in your collection.

If you’re looking to acquire the remarkable ★ Karambit | Doppler Ruby skin, consider exploring trade options on SkinsMonkey. Engage in CS2(CS:GO) skin trade-ups and discover the best way to add this beautiful skin to your inventory. Visit SkinsMonkey now to explore the possibilities of trading CS2(CS:GO) skins!

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