PP-Bizon | Facility Sketch Smg Skins

PP-Bizon | Facility Sketch (Field-Tested)
FN - Nova de Fábrica $ 0.10
MW - Pouco Usada $ 0.10
FT - Testada em Campo $ 0.10
WW - Bem Desgastada $ 0.10
BS - Veterana de Guerra $ 0.10

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Type Submetralhadora
Weapon PP-Bizon
Skin Facility Sketch
Rarity Consumidor
Colors Orange

PP-Bizon | Facility Sketch: The Intruder’s Choice

The PP-Bizon skins SMG may not be the most powerful weapon in the game, but its unique features make it a must-have for those who value speed and efficiency.

Quick-Reloading Drum Magazine

One of the standout characteristics of this submachine gun is its high-capacity drum magazine. Designed with utility in mind, you can reload rapidly and get back into action with minimal downtime.

Distinct Grayscale Facility Design

Further elevating the uniqueness of the PP-Bizon | Facility Sketch is its grayscale hydrographic pattern. This captivating design is inspired by the intimidating appearance of a nuclear power plant, making a statement while you’re infiltrating enemy territory.

Find Your Secret Entry Point

With the memorable quote, “Your point of entry is the ventilation system,” the PP-Bizon | Facility Sketch encourages players to think strategically and creatively about their approach in the game. Combined with the gun’s rapid reloading capabilities, this skin is perfect for surprise attacks and covert operations.

Don’t miss the chance to add this one-of-a-kind weapon to your collection. Get the PP-Bizon | Facility Sketch and dominate your opponents with unparalleled speed and style.

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