CZ75-Auto | Tuxedo Pistol Skins

CZ75-Auto | Tuxedo (Factory New)
FN - Recién Fabricado $ 1.28
MW - Casi Nuevo $ 0.85
FT - Algo Desgastado $ 0.43
WW - Bastante Desgastado $ 0.43
BS - Deplorable $ 0.22

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Type Pistola
Weapon CZ75-Auto
Skin Tuxedo
Rarity Militar
Colors Gray

CZ75-Auto | Tuxedo: A Classy Choice for Stylish Combat

Introducing the CZ75-Auto | Tuxedo, a refined twist on the fully automatic variant of the classic CZ75. This chic weapon skin is perfect for transforming your game and seizing your adversary’s firepower in style.

The Power of the CZ75-Auto

The CZ75-Auto skin is the ideal short-term selection for those who want to swiftly turn the tables and gain their opponent’s weapon. However, bear in mind that with its limited magazine capacity, it requires strong trigger discipline to ensure maximum effectiveness in combat.

Black and White Elegance

What makes the CZ75-Auto | Tuxedo stand out from other skins is its sleek black and white color scheme. Each component of the gun is carefully spray-painted with solid hues, giving it a polished and sophisticated appearance. It’s the perfect addition to your arsenal when you want to exude class on the virtual battlefield.

The Tuxedo: A Symbol of Refined Combat

The CZ75-Auto | Tuxedo is more than just another skin; it represents the marriage of power and elegance. Just as you would dress up for a black-tie event, this weapon skin ups the ante when it comes to combat, making it the ultimate choice for stylish gamers.

In conclusion, the CZ75-Auto | Tuxedo is a must-have skin for fans of Counter-Strike seeking to elevate their gameplay with a touch of sophistication. Equip this classy weapon skin and leave your opponents in awe as you dominate the battlefield with style and grace.

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