★ Hydra Gloves | Mangrove Glove Skins

★ Hydra Gloves | Mangrove (Factory New)
FN - Прямо С Завода $ 295.95
MW - Немного Поношенное $ 104.30
FT - После Полевых Испытаний $ 100.24
WW - Поношенное $ 94.04
BS - Закалённое в боях $ 94.04

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Type Перчатки
Weapon ★ Hydra Gloves
Skin Mangrove
Rarity Тайное
Colors Orange, Yellow

##★ Hydra Gloves | Mangrove: A Stunning Accessory for Your Counter-Strike Experience

Looking for an exceptional way to up your game in Counter-Strike? Look no further! The ★ Hydra Gloves | Mangrove are the perfect addition to your gaming arsenal. These fingerless gloves are embellished with metal studs and the iconic Operation Hydra emblem, making them a must-have for any serious player.

##Unparalleled Craftsmanship and Materials

The ★ Hydra Gloves | Mangrove are made from a unique combination of leather, synthetic mesh, and brass. The high-quality leather adds durability and a touch of luxury, while the synthetic mesh provides breathability for those intense gaming sessions. The brass studs not only look great but also offer a tactile element to the gloves.

With these gloves, you’ll be ready to face any challenge in Counter-Strike while showcasing your dedication to the game. Get your hands on the ★ Hydra Gloves | Mangrove today and dominate your opponents in style!

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