Galil AR | Blue Titanium Assault Rifle Skins

Galil AR | Blue Titanium (Factory New)
FN - Прямо С Завода $ 5.14
MW - Немного Поношенное Not Available
FT - После Полевых Испытаний Not Available
WW - Поношенное Not Available
BS - Закалённое в боях Not Available

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Type Штурмовая винтовка
Weapon Galil AR
Skin Blue Titanium
Rarity Армейское
Colors Blue, Gray

Galil AR | Blue Titanium: A Budget-Friendly Terrorist-Exclusive Assault Rifle

The Galil AR skins stands out as a cost-effective choice among terrorist-exclusive assault rifles, proving itself as a reliable weapon in medium to long-range combat situations. It possesses titanium parts, which boast a distinctive blue hue that is attributed to an oxide layer formed through a well-regulated anodization process at 30 volts.

Why Choose the Galil AR | Blue Titanium?

Offering a more budget-friendly option for players, the Galil AR maintains its effectiveness in medium to long-range skirmishes. Its standout feature, the blue titanium components, sets it apart from other skins, creating an appealing look for those wanting to stand out on the battlefield. The controlled anodization at 30 volts results in a unique blue oxide layer that gives this skin its name - the Blue Titanium.

Stand out among your peers with the Galil AR | Blue Titanium skin and dominate the battlefield with style.

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