Galil AR | Sage Spray Assault Rifle Skins

Galil AR | Sage Spray (Factory New)
FN - Zbrusu Nový $ 0.15
MW - Lehce Opotřebený $ 0.10
FT - Opotřebený $ 0.10
WW - Silně Opotřebený $ 0.10
BS - Poničený Bojem $ 0.10

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Type Útočná puška
Weapon Galil AR
Skin Sage Spray
Rarity Neotestovaná
Colors Yellow, Orange

Galil AR | Sage Spray: An Affordable Terrorist-Exclusive Assault Rifle

Introducing the Galil AR | Sage Spray, the perfect weapon for budget-conscious players seeking a reliable and efficient firearm for medium to long-range combat in Counter Strike. As a terrorist-exclusive assault rifle, the Galil AR skins offers remarkable performance at a fraction of the cost compared to other rifles in its class.

Expressive Design for the On-the-Go Insurgent

What sets the Galil AR | Sage Spray apart from other firearms is its unique, freehand spray-painted design. Featuring short, thick lines in vibrant contrasting colors, this skin embodies the spirit of the unstoppable insurgent always ready for action.

With the Galil AR | Sage Spray, you won’t just be another player on the battlefield - you’ll be a statement-maker on-the-go, equipped with a durable weapon that doesn’t compromise on style or performance.

Choose the Galil AR | Sage Spray for a cost-effective and powerful addition to your Counter-Strike weapon collection, and make a lasting impression on your opponents with its striking design.

$ 0.00
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