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What should I know about prices?

This article will answer certain questions about items' prices. We are a trading site, not a marketplace, which makes a great difference in prices or available stock. Our item prices are generated automatically based on a variety of different factors.

This article will answer certain questions about items' prices.

Why are my items worth less than the items on the Steam Market?

Our item prices are generated automatically based on a variety of different factors. Also, they aren’t always the same and may change should any of the factors change as well. These factors include item availability, popularity, demand, StatTrakTM, and more.

Are there any overpays for stickers or floats?

SkinsMonkey does not overpay for any item.

Can I find out the price of an item if it is not in my inventory?

Yes, you can! You can find out the regular price of most items simply by searching for them online. In addition, you can also check the price on the Steam market without any commissions or overpays. This will allow you to get a close to accurate price range for your items.

If you have another question, do not hesitate to ask us by our technical support chat! Read how to contact us here
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