★ Driver Gloves | Convoy Glove Skins

★ Driver Gloves | Convoy (Factory New)
FN - Щойно З Фабрики $ 665.13
MW - Майже Без Подряпин $ 150.44
FT - Після Бойових Випробувань $ 111.73
WW - З Численними Подряпинами $ 98.37
BS - Понівечено В Боях $ 94.04

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Type Рукавиці
Weapon ★ Driver Gloves
Skin Convoy
Rarity Надсекретна Зброя
Colors Orange

##★ Driver Gloves | Convoy: A Stylish and Practical Choice

Experience the perfect blend of protection and comfort with the ★ Driver Gloves | Convoy, designed for avid Counter-Strike enthusiasts. These top-quality driving gloves keep your hands safe from harsh elements while ensuring full tactile sensation for an immersive gaming experience.

##Premium Materials for Maximum Durability

Crafted with a harmonious combination of brown soft leather and dyed suede, these ★ Driver Gloves | Convoy not only offer excellent durability but also exude a unique sense of style. The exceptional materials make these gloves a truly impressive addition to your in-game wardrobe.

##The Perks of Discretion and Sophistication

There are times when exercising discretion is the best course of action. These ★ Driver Gloves | Convoy encapsulate the essence of stealth and sophistication, making them the ideal choice for players who value both practicality and aesthetics. Enhance your Counter-Strike experience with these magnificent gloves today!

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