MP7 | Orange Peel Smg Skins

MP7 | Orange Peel (Factory New)
FN - Прямо С Завода $ 36.02
MW - Немного Поношенное $ 22.27
FT - После Полевых Испытаний $ 19.26
WW - Поношенное $ 18.88
BS - Закалённое в боях $ 18.88

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Type Пистолет-пулемёт
Weapon MP7
Skin Orange Peel
Rarity Промышленное
Colors Orange

Introducing the MP7 | Orange Peel Skin

Experience the perfect balance of versatility and power with the German-made MP7 | Orange Peel skin. This meticulously designed skin is specifically tailored for those seeking superior performance in high-impact, close-range combat situations. The Submachine gun (SMG) may come at a higher monetary cost, but the benefits it provides are undoubtedly worth it.

Unique Design and Aesthetic

The MP7 | Orange Peel skin showcases a distinctive design, which is achieved by spray-painting the weapon using a complex tangle of masking tape as a stencil. This creates an eye-catching, visually appealing pattern that not only reflects the true power of the weapon but does so in a subtle, sophisticated manner. Stand out from the crowd and let your opponents admire the intricate design even as you demonstrate your prowess in the game.

Subtly Showcasing True Power

The MP7 | Orange Peel skin embodies the essence of true power through its delicate application and unique design. Propel your in-game presence and notoriety to new heights with this one-of-a-kind skin. Choose the MP7 skins | Orange Peel and revel in the unmatched blend of functionality, power, and style it has to offer.

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