★ Hand Wraps | Giraffe Glove Skins

★ Hand Wraps | Giraffe (Factory New)
FN - Прямо С Завода $ 608.40
MW - Немного Поношенное $ 175.51
FT - После Полевых Испытаний $ 122.58
WW - Поношенное $ 101.10
BS - Закалённое в боях $ 98.96

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Type Перчатки
Weapon ★ Hand Wraps
Skin Giraffe
Rarity Тайное
Colors Orange, Yellow

##Get a Grip with ★ Hand Wraps | Giraffe!

As an avid fan of Counter Strike, you understand the importance of high-quality gear for your in-game performance. Introducing our ★ Hand Wraps | Giraffe for the perfect combination of style and functionality!

##Protect and Stabilize Your Hands with ★ Hand Wraps | Giraffe

Favored by close-quarters combat specialists, these exclusive hand wraps offer unmatched protection for your knuckles while providing optimal wrist stability during powerful strikes. With the ★ Hand Wraps | Giraffe, head into battle knowing that your hands are well-guarded against injuries.

##Unleash Your Wild Side with ★ Hand Wraps | Giraffe

Show off your fierce personality and stand out from the crowd with this unique Giraffe-patterned skin. Make a statement that you’re not just any ordinary player – you’ve got the guts and the gear to conquer the Counter Strike battlefield! Don’t wait, enhance your gaming experience with the ★ Hand Wraps | Giraffe at skinsmonkey.com today!

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