★ Hand Wraps | Duct Tape Glove Skins

★ Hand Wraps | Duct Tape (Factory New)
FN - Прямо С Завода $ 436.65
MW - Немного Поношенное $ 134.91
FT - После Полевых Испытаний $ 110.53
WW - Поношенное $ 100.17
BS - Закалённое в боях $ 96.56

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Type Перчатки
Weapon ★ Hand Wraps
Skin Duct Tape
Rarity Тайное
Colors Gray

##Introducing the ★ Hand Wraps | Duct Tape Skin

As a Counter Strike enthusiast, you’re surely familiar with the importance of skins to not only personalize your gear but also elevate your in-game performance. If you’re a close-combat aficionado, then the ★ Hand Wraps | Duct Tape skin is the perfect companion. Designed to enhance your hand-to-hand combat abilities, this skin provides you with the support you need while ramping up your game.

##Protection and Stability in One Skin

The ★ Hand Wraps | Duct Tape skin delivers excellent protection for your knuckles, ensuring that you can give and receive punches without worrying about injuries. Additionally, it supports and stabilizes your wrist, giving you the necessary endurance when engaging in fistfights.

##Durability Meets Functionality

These hand wraps are scavenged and crafted with resilience in mind, offering a surprising level of durability that won’t let you down in the heat of the battle. While they may not excel in breathability, their ability to withstand tough combat situations more than compensates for that aspect.

Equip your in-game character with the ★ Hand Wraps | Duct Tape skin and showcase your passion for hand-to-hand combat while experiencing an advantage in performance. Trust in the protection and stability provided by this skin, knowing that it will never fail you when it matters most.

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