★ Broken Fang Gloves | Yellow-banded Glove Skins

★ Broken Fang Gloves | Yellow-banded (Factory New)
FN - Прямо с завода $ 664.15
MW - Немного поношенное $ 174.19
FT - После полевых испытаний $ 115.55
WW - Поношенное $ 107.61
BS - Закалённое в боях $ 99.69

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Type Перчатки
Weapon ★ Broken Fang Gloves
Skin Yellow-banded
Rarity Тайное
Colors Yellow

##Introducing the ★ Broken Fang Gloves | Yellow-banded

Enhance your Counter-Strike gaming experience with the ultimate ★ Broken Fang Gloves | Yellow-banded. These fingerless gloves are designed with a stylish flair, perfect for avid fans of the game.

##Exceptional Design and Details

Featuring eye-catching metal studs and the iconic Operation Broken Fang emblem, these gloves truly stand out in the crowd. The yellow-banded detailing adds an extra layer of sophistication to your in-game character.

##Show Off Your Dedication to Counter-Strike

Be the envy of your fellow gamers and display your dedication to Counter-Strike with the ★ Broken Fang Gloves | Yellow-banded. These one-of-a-kind gloves not only offer an unparalleled design but also represent your passion for the game. Don’t miss out on the opportunity to upgrade your accessories with these exclusive fingerless gloves.

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