MP7 | Armor Core Smg Skins

MP7 | Armor Core (Factory New)
FN - Nouă $ 0.22
MW - Uzură Minimă $ 0.17
FT - Testată $ 0.11
WW - Uzată $ 0.11
BS - Deteriorată $ 0.11

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Type Mitralieră
Weapon MP7
Skin Armor Core
Rarity Militară
Colors Gray, Black

MP7 | Armor Core: Unleash the Power Within

Reliability and High-Impact Power Combined

The MP7 | Armor Core is a versatile and powerful submachine gun, offering deadly firepower for close-range combat situations. This German-engineered beauty is a favorite among operators who seek not only functionality but also a touch of sophistication.

A Weapon of Beauty and Style

Designed with an eye-catching combination of black oil-based paint, brushed stainless steel parts, and intricate inlays, the MP7 | Armor Core is perfect for the discerning user who values both top-notch performance and elegant craftsmanship.

Created with the Operator in Mind

Carefully crafted by renowned arms dealer Booth, the MP7 | Armor Core is specifically designed to accommodate the needs and desires of professional operators. Its stunning good looks and solid firepower make it the ideal choice for those who require both power and style in their line of work.

Elevate Your Arsenal with Sophistication

Add the MP7 skins | Armor Core to your collection today and experience the perfect balance of high-impact close-range performance and sophisticated aesthetic design. You won’t be disappointed by what this exceptional SMG has to offer.

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