★ Hydra Gloves | Emerald Glove Skins

★ Hydra Gloves | Emerald (Factory New)
FN - Nouă $ 428.51
MW - Uzură Minimă $ 122.38
FT - Testată $ 91.53
WW - Uzată $ 89.70
BS - Deteriorată $ 89.38

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Type Mănuși
Weapon ★ Hydra Gloves
Skin Emerald
Rarity Clandestin(ă)
Colors Yellow, Gray

##Introducing the ★ Hydra Gloves | Emerald

Discover the remarkable ★ Hydra Gloves | Emerald, designed to impress with their unique aesthetic and unmatched quality. These fingerless gloves excel in impeccable style, featuring metal studs and the iconic Operation Hydra logo.

##A Look at the Design

Expertly crafted from luxurious black supple leather, these gloves boast of sophistication and durability. The varnished green emblem adds a touch of eye-catching color that enhances the overall allure of the gloves.

##Operation Hydra’s Emblem

Not only do the ★ Hydra Gloves | Emerald achieve an unparalleled design, but they also showcase the Operation Hydra logo, demonstrating your allegiance to the famous gaming event. Equip these gloves and stand out from the competition in both looks and gameplay.

Embrace the elegance of the ★ Hydra Gloves | Emerald and elevate your Counter Strike experience with this stunning skin.

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