This article will help you activate the Steam Guard Mobile Authenticator. It is crucial step to trade items on SkinsMonkey. To activate Steam Guard Mobile Authenticator, first you have to download Steam App on your phone.
This article will help you check if you will trade with the correct bot. There are several ways to ensure that you are not being scammed by a fake scam bot while trading skins and other items.
This article will help you secure your Steam account e.g. after API Scam. If you suspect your Steam account has been compromised, you can protect it to make sure no unauthorized person is logged in.
This article will explain safely logging with Steam. When authorizing on a 3rd party website, never type password directly when prompted - scammers often plant fake log in windows on their websites to steal your password.
This article will explain safely logging to SkinsMonkey. Over the growth period of our website, we noticed an increase in sites trying to impersonate the SkinsMonkey brand. Because of that, it is extremely important to check the link you click on Google.
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