★ Falchion Knife | Gamma Doppler Emerald Knife Skins

★ Falchion Knife | Gamma Doppler Emerald (Factory New)
FN - Neuve $ 1,670.65
MW - Très Peu Usée $ 1,587.11
FT - Testée Sur Le Terrain Not Available
WW - Usée Not Available
BS - Marquée Par Les Combats Not Available

Community Rating

2.00 Stars Rated by 1 users


Type Couteau
Weapon ★ Falchion Knife
Skin Gamma Doppler Emerald
Rarity Secrète
Colors Green, Cyan

★ Falchion Knife | Gamma Doppler Emerald: Trade, Buy and Sell on SkinsMonkey

Looking to trade CS2(CS:GO) skins? Interested in buying or selling a ★ Falchion Knife skin | Gamma Doppler Emerald? Look no further than SkinsMonkey, your go-to online marketplace for all your CS2(CS:GO) skin needs. Discover the vibrant and eye-catching design of the ★ Falchion Knife | Gamma Doppler Emerald and take your gameplay to the next level.

History of ★ Falchion Knife | Gamma Doppler Emerald skins

The ★ Falchion Knife | Gamma Doppler Emerald made its debut in the CS2(CS:GO) community on September 22, 2021, coinciding with the launch of Operation Riptide. This stunning skin can be found in the Operation Riptide Case. With its metallic coated blade, mesmerizing translucent wavy lines resembling smoke, and shades of green creating a gradient texture similar to emerald, this skin is a true gem in any CS2(CS:GO) inventory.

Who created the ★ Falchion Knife | Gamma Doppler Emerald?

This exquisite skin was created by a talented artist and designer, whose name remains undisclosed. The creator’s attention to detail and artistic vision is evident in every aspect of the ★ Falchion Knife | Gamma Doppler Emerald, making it a coveted addition to any CS2(CS:GO) player’s collection.

How much does ★ Falchion Knife | Gamma Doppler Emerald cost?

Interested in purchasing the ★ Falchion Knife | Gamma Doppler Emerald skin? The price of this beauty may vary depending on factors such as wear and demand. However, it is known to be one of the more expensive skins in the “Falchion Knife | Gamma Doppler” series, and its rarity and unique design contribute to its higher market value.

★ Falchion Knife | Gamma Doppler Emerald - float score

When it comes to the float score of the ★ Falchion Knife | Gamma Doppler Emerald, it is only available in Factory New and Minimal Wear conditions, with a range between 0.00 and 0.08. In Factory New condition, you may notice small abrasions along the cutting edge, while higher levels of wear show a slight increase in the number of abrasions. This exquisite skin is all about attention to detail and quality.

How rare is ★ Falchion Knife | Gamma Doppler Emerald?

The ★ Falchion Knife | Gamma Doppler Emerald is considered a rare and highly sought-after skin. Its vibrant and unique design, combined with its limited availability, contributes to its rarity. Owning this skin will surely make you stand out in the CS2(CS:GO) community and impress fellow players with your distinct style.

Which CS2(CS:GO) case has a ★ Falchion Knife | Gamma Doppler Emerald?

If you’re looking to obtain a ★ Falchion Knife | Gamma Doppler Emerald skin, you can find it in the Operation Riptide Case. Open the case and try your luck to add this stunning skin to your inventory.

★ Falchion Knife | Gamma Doppler Emerald collection

The ★ Falchion Knife | Gamma Doppler Emerald is a part of the larger “Falchion Knife | Gamma Doppler” collection. As the brightest and rarest phase of this collection, it holds a special place among CS2(CS:GO) players and collectors alike. Show off your style and unleash the power of this magnificent blade in your next gameplay session.

Trade CS2(CS:GO) Skins with SkinsMonkey

Looking for the best way to trade CS2(CS:GO) skins? SkinsMonkey offers a seamless and reliable platform for trading your in-game items, including the ★ Falchion Knife | Gamma Doppler Emerald. Our user-friendly interface makes trading a breeze, and our dedicated team ensures a secure and efficient process. Don’t miss out on the opportunity to upgrade your skin collection. Visit SkinsMonkey today and start trading!

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