★ Huntsman Knife | Crimson Web Knife Skins

★ Huntsman Knife | Crimson Web (Factory New)
FN - Zbrusu Nový $ 1,392.05
MW - Lehce Opotřebený $ 438.31
FT - Opotřebený $ 255.26
WW - Silně Opotřebený $ 243.21
BS - Poničený Bojem $ 228.79

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Type Nůž
Weapon ★ Huntsman Knife
Skin Crimson Web
Rarity Skrytá
Colors Red

Introducing the ★ Huntsman Knife | Crimson Web Skin

Prepare to be captivated by the ★ Huntsman Knife | Crimson Web skin, an exceptional addition to your arsenal that is perfect for various tactical situations. With its impressive design and functionality, this knife is tailored to cater to both combat and utility needs. The exclusive Tanto point ensures optimum penetration, even through the most resilient surfaces. Moreover, the eye-catching design is achieved through a captivating spider web-patterned hydrographic laid over a vibrant red base coat and finalized with a semi-gloss topcoat.

Master the Art of Stealth with the ★ Huntsman Knife | Crimson Web

Embrace the element of surprise with this extraordinary skin that elevates your gameplay to new heights. As you wield the ★ Huntsman Knife | Crimson Web, be mindful of each step you take, for you never know where the web lies in wait. With this in your collection, you’ll undoubtedly leave a lasting impression on your opponents and teammates alike.

Forge Your Path to Victory with the ★ Huntsman Knife | Crimson Web

Don’t settle for mediocrity; strive for excellence with the ★ Huntsman Knife skin | Crimson Web. Designed for the modern tactician, this knife is the ideal companion for those who revel in the thrill of the game. Don’t let this opportunity slip through your fingers – add the ★ Huntsman Knife | Crimson Web to your collection today and reap the rewards of superior gameplay and extraordinary style.

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