★ Talon Knife | Doppler Phase 3 Knife Skins

★ Talon Knife | Doppler Phase 3 (Factory New)
FN - Prosto z Fabryki $ 1,503.98
MW - Lekkie Zużycie $ 1,428.77
FT - Po Testach Bojowych Not Available
WW - Mocne Zużycie Not Available
BS - Po Ciężkich Walkach Not Available

Community Rating

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Type Nóż
Weapon ★ Talon Knife
Skin Doppler Phase 3
Rarity Tajna
Colors Blue, Orange

★ Talon Knife | Doppler Phase 3: Trade, Buy and Sell on SkinsMonkey

Looking for the mesmerizing ★ Talon Knife | Doppler Phase 3 skin? You’ve come to the right place! At SkinsMonkey, you can easily trade, buy, and sell this stunning knife skin to enhance your Counter-Strike gaming experience. Discover the allure of the mesmerizing Doppler Phase 3 design today!

History of ★ Talon Knife | Doppler Phase 3 skins

The Talon Knife | Doppler Phase 3, also known as Talon P3, was introduced to the game on March 13, 2018, as part of the “Seeing the Light” update. This magnificent skin can be obtained from the “Prisma” case. Its blade showcases a mesmerizing pattern of translucent wavy lines, resembling ethereal smoke, beautifully painted with metallic tones. The spectrum of soothing blue shades adds a touch of elegance to this exceptional skin.

Who created the ★ Talon Knife | Doppler Phase 3
Have you ever wondered who crafted the remarkable ★ Talon Knife skin | Doppler Phase 3? Well, it was meticulously designed by the talented artisans in the CS2(CS:GO) community. Their creativity and attention to detail have made this skin a true masterpiece, delighting players worldwide.

How much does ★ Talon Knife | Doppler Phase 3 cost?

If you’re eager to add the ★ Talon Knife | Doppler Phase 3 to your collection, you might be wondering about its price. Although the market fluctuates, this exceptional skin typically commands a decent price. Explore the vibrant marketplace on SkinsMonkey to discover the current ★ Talon Knife | Doppler Phase 3 prices and seize the opportunity to own this stunning skin.

★ Talon Knife | Doppler Phase 3 - float score

The float score of the ★ Talon Knife | Doppler Phase 3 skin varies from one knife to another. The quality of the float can affect the overall appearance of the skin, so be sure to assess the float before making your purchase. Explore the selection on SkinsMonkey to find a ★ Talon Knife | Doppler Phase 3 with an ideal float score that suits your preferences.

How rare is ★ Talon Knife | Doppler Phase 3?

The ★ Talon Knife | Doppler Phase 3 is considered a relatively rare skin in the CS2(CS:GO) community. Its stunning design and popularity contribute to its rarity. It’s a true gem that many players aspire to have in their inventory. Join the exclusive group of proud owners by acquiring this exceptional skin on SkinsMonkey.

Which case has a ★ Talon Knife | Doppler Phase 3?

The coveted ★ Talon Knife | Doppler Phase 3 skin can be found in the “Prisma” case. Open this case for a chance to obtain this breathtaking skin and elevate your gameplay with its exquisite design. Don’t miss out on the opportunity to add this rare and captivating skin to your collection.

★ Talon Knife | Doppler Phase 3 collection

The ★ Talon Knife | Doppler Phase 3 skin belongs to the distinguished Doppler Phase 3 collection. This collection is known for its captivating knife designs and has garnered immense popularity among CS2(CS:GO) enthusiasts. Explore the beauty of this collection and elevate your gaming experience by owning a piece of its allure.

Note: Looking to trade your existing skins for the remarkable ★ Talon Knife | Doppler Phase 3? Interested in discovering the best way to obtain this exceptional skin? Head over to SkinsMonkey for CS2(CS:GO) skin trading, where you can unleash the full potential of your inventory and acquire the skins you desire.

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